Freebies TOU

The freebies blogged on this site are available for download as well they are for personal use only. You can not use them for the purposes of monetary gain. You can not share them without a link back to the original post on this blog. You may not claim them as your own creations as if you made them. If you have any questions on my tou. Please email me at Thanks! For your time in reading my tou.
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S&C0125- Scraps N Company
PTE0804- Psp Tubes Emporium
zzt4027- zindy
MPT9304- My Psp Tubes
CDO-1721- Creative Designs Outlet
SATC1871- Scraps & The City
TOOSH1707 - toosh
BJ3392 - Barbra Jesnen
TPP00054-The Psp Project
EAS11760- Eliias Chatzoudis
AC807- Arthur Crowe
TTZ434 - Tony
KG2233- Keith Garvey
T4T203 - Wendy G Stores
RZ604- Roman Zaric
ICZStore-182 - Inzpired Creationz Store


Saturday, March 21, 2015
Click the tag to get more snags from this set.
It is always fun to create snags for other's to use on social media.
The best part is creating the snags and tags for others to use. 

Even more special is to see what others that snag them to use say thank you.
I am not trying to whine about this. A lot of people just do not have manners.
It is always polite to say Please and Thank you it goes a long ways. 

Most of all it says something about your character as a person on this earth. It only takes a few seconds to say thank you. I know we all have busy lives. My thing were you that busy snagging and not saying thank you I am just saying. Put your self in my shoes. 

Now for the snags a few of them... the rest are at the site. 

Thank You for viewing this blogpost! 
You all have a nice day and may god bless you all.
