Freebies TOU

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zzt4027- zindy
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CDO-1721- Creative Designs Outlet
SATC1871- Scraps & The City
TOOSH1707 - toosh
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ICZStore-182 - Inzpired Creationz Store


Friday, January 9, 2015
I want to let everyone know what I am doing these days. As well let you know what has been going on with and why I have quit and start again! Now last year there was a group of girls harassing me pretty much stalking me. These group of young ladies because it is sad because these are grown ladies acting like bullies in the psp community. They had different facebook profiles they create fake profiles and get others to join their pages to make other good psp taggers or snaggers feel comfortable into accepting their facebook pages request. 

Now I endured a lot and shared with my hubby everything and their were times where I said I am going to quit doing psp tagging. Now into the beginning of the new year they started in again with their hateful words and inboxes. Everything from you suck as a tagger to quit tagging and give up and stop opening up your store no one want's to buy your shitty tagger kits. Pretty much just breaking down my self confidence to the point where me and my hubby would argue over my psp tagging hobby. I since then have started screening my friends that I accept I watch people and how they carry themselves on fb groups and more.

These group of girls I rather call them because they are not ladies. Now the main thing why they are pissed is because I stood up for what is right and I am against pirates... Because I told on them about there theft and the links were taken down and such. Bottom line it is wrong to steal from others and think about this it is wrong people work very hard to create kits,tubes and more and people do this for a living and deserve their money. 

These group of girls are slick they love to send inbox messages and sometimes emails. They do not post on your fb walls. A few do most of them do not. Some of these girls are bold and even attacked another woman I know and said her tags sucked and she was new to psp tagging and I found that to be quite rude and I spoke up for her because it was wrong. I will say this and hear me well rather read my words I will not be your punching bag. I will continue to tag and I will continue to have fun and I dam well want to design I will do that too.  I am pretty sure the skanks are reading this. I really do not have time for those that want to cause drama. I am about having fun. 

I now have 3 places where I have tag offers and those places are.
  1. Underground Tagz
  2. My Website Tag Offer -Mainly Re-Offers
  3. Taggers Club- Exclusive Tag that only these members can request only.


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